Heads up Jack's Point: Rubbish and recycling collections (accessed off Māori Jack Road only) will move from a Friday to a Wednesday. Your last Friday collection will be 31 May and your first Wednesday collection will be 5 June.

Queenstown Town Centre Street Upgrades

Work to transform Brecon Street, Rees Street, Beach Street, Park Street and Hotops Rise into high quality public spaces that are safe and accessible for everyone, is complete.  

The upgrades create more space for people to wander and relax, including a continuous pedestrian link from the Queenstown Gardens to the Gondola.

About the project

The upgrades feature improved walking and cycling facilities providing a continuous link from the Queenstown Gardens to the Gondola, bringing parts of the Queenstown Town Centre Masterplan to life. 

Designed in line with the Queenstown Town Centre Design Guidelines, the upgraded streets will incorporate high quality materials and weave in local cultural storytelling. 

The Street Upgrade programme is supported by funding from the Crown Infrastructure Partners.

Ongoing ‘snagging’ maintenance work

After construction, there’s a 2-year period where we monitor and continue any ongoing maintenance or tweaks to what’s been constructed.  We do this to ensure that everything is working as we intended.  This is known as ‘snagging’.

Here’s an overview of what ‘snagging’ work is coming up:

Beach / Rees Street

  • Replacing and grouting pavers with holes in them. The holes are a result of shifting street furniture

  • Reducing the size of the tree pit outside the Elle + Riley store to improve access for deliveries on upper Beach Street

  • Manhole lid adjustment – modifying lids with pavers to incorporate a smaller opening for easy access to water valves

Brecon Street

  • Decommission valve near Bavarian and lower fire hydrant outside Bespoke 

  • Grouting between the concrete and the stone kerb along Brecon Street 

  • Installation of new street signs along Brecon Street

Isle Street West

  • Installation of a raised speed hump across the road 


  • Various line marking on Cow Lane, Duke Street, Man Street and Thompson Street 

  • Replacing missing manhole labels 


We’ve now completed work to upgrade our town centre streets into inviting, family friendly and accessible spaces for everyone to enjoy.  We've provided a selection of images below. 


Image library

Frequently asked questions

We've provided answers to a list of frequently asked questions below.  If you have a question that hasn't been answered here, please email us at letstalk@qldc.govt.nz and we'll get it answered as quickly as possible.

Working with local businesses and the community

Maintaining access to the town centre and supporting local business is crucial to the project delivery and we are committed to working closely with you to achieve that.   

We're regularly engaging with businesses and property owners so any issues arising can be dealt with quickly. If you live or operate a business in the town centre and have any concerns or questions about the construction, please do get in touch:

Anita Sanghera, Lead Stakeholder and Engagement Manager for Kā Huanui a Tāhuna. 

Phone 021 376 130, or email:


If Anita can’t answer your questions, he'll put you in touch with someone who can.