Upload & Pay

Tuku atu me te utu

Uploading documents

QLDC Building Services uses the Community Portal for receiving your application files. When submitting files, it is important to use the correct format, correlate the files correctly and use the correct file names.

All new applications and replies to requests for information can be uploaded via the portal below.

File names & content

  • File Name

    File Content

    BC Application


    PIM Application


    Amendment to BC0000

    The following documents must be included:

    -  Form 2 Building Consent Application (PDF)

    -  AF CALC Building Consent Initial Fee Calculator (MS Excel)

    -  Proof of ownership e.g. Record/Certificate of Title (less than three months old), rates notice, sales and purchase agreement, lease agreement

    -  Letter appointing agent, signed by owner(s) or email from owner(s)

    These documents must be brought together in ONE PDF file and uploaded with the filename "BC Application" or ‘’PIM Application”



    Plans - Architectural

    Plans – Structural

    Plans – HVAC

    Plans – Hydraulic

    Plans - Generally, all plans are located in a single file however, larger, and more projects that are complex may have plans broken down into a discipline. E.g.

    -  Plans

    -  Plans - Architectural

    -  Plans – Structural

    -  Plans – HVAC

    -  Plans – Hydraulic

    Structural Documentation

    Fire Documentation

    Geotech Report

    Accessibility Report

    Wastewater Report

    Specialist Documentation saved per discipline e.g. specialist (name) documentation or specialist (name) report. E.g.

    -  Structural Documentation

    -  Fire Documentation

    -  Geo-tech Report

    -  Accessibility Report

    -  Wastewater Report

    Project Specifications

    Project Specification - Full specification list for the building project.

    Similar to plans in some cases, these maybe broken up per discipline.

    Product Specifications

    Product Specification - Any product information supplied as supplemental information.

    Supporting Documents

    Supporting Documents - Everything else, e.g.

    -  Truss documentation

    -  H1 calculations

    -  Bracing calculations.



    Alternative solution

    Wastewater disposal application

    Where additional supporting applications are required e.g.

    -  AF WM Application for Waiver or Modification

    -  AF AS Application for Alternative Solution.

    -  AF OSW Onsite Wastewater Disposal System Application Form

    CS19R checksheet

    CS19C checksheet

    CS19SFLH checksheet

    Checksheet  saved using the CS number and letter followed by ‘’checksheet’’



    Form 2A - Certificate of Design Work – grouped together where more than one

  • File Name

    File Content

    RFI Checking reply

    RFI Processing reply

    RFI 2,3… Processing reply

    Requests for information saved with the acronym RFI and the process it relates to.

    Multiple RFIs should be numbered accordingly

    MV1 Application to BC00000


    AFMV - Application for Minor Variation to an existing Building Consent form and associated documents saved with the variation number

    CCC Documents

    Form 6 CCC Application form;

    -  Producer Statement Construction Review (PS4) e.g. Engineer, Fire protection, Façade Engineer

    -  Producer Statement Construction (PS3) e.g. Passive fire, Emergency lighting, cladding, membrane (deck)

    -  Certification e.g. Fire safety systems, Sprinkler system, Geotechnical, Surveyor, Gas, Electrical

    -  Records of work e.g. Carpentry, Foundation, external plaster, roofing

  • File Name

    File Content


    Form 12 or 12a Building Warrant of Fitness (BWOF) application and documents


    Form 8 Application for Certificate of Acceptance and all supporting documents

    CPU for BC00000

    Form 15 Application for Certificate for Public Use (CPU) should reference the BC it relates to.

    File to include the CS 9.1 Certificate for Public Use Checklist and all supporting documents.

    Exemption Application

    AF EX Application for Building Consent Exemption and all supporting documents


Upload files using the Community Portal

Please log into the Community Portal to submit files for new or existing applications.

If it is your first time accessing the Community Portal, you will need to register a new account from the login page.

How to successfully upload your application

Once you have logged in to the Community Portal, open the Application forms section and complete the “Upload Application Files” form. Please complete one form per application.

In the portal you will also be able to see your previous forms and track their status, using the Forms App. If you have questions, please contact: building@qldc.govt.nz

Acknowledgement of upload

Once uploaded successfully, you will receive a receipt email. Building Services then aims to email you within two working days after an initial screening of documents.

These are initial checks. Once in processing, a different officer may contact you if further details or clarifications are needed to proceed the application.

This email will contain an application number, for example BC180001.  The application number is required for payment, all enquiries, and requests for booking building inspections, if granted.

If there is no email from Building Services in two working days, contact the team by email or give us a call to ensure upload was successful.

  • Ensure:

    • The correct application number is referenced with every payment (e.g. BC180001).

    • The correct fee is calculated.

    • Ensure floor areas and estimated building work value are exactly the same on Form 2 and AF CALC.

    • The correct fee is paid online, or transferred to the correct account number.



    Online Payments

    Once you have been issued your application number, Credit Card or Account to Account direct payments can be made via the Application Payments link within the Community Portal.

    Bank Transfers

    Alternatively, payments can be made via bank transfer.

    BNZ account details:

    Account number:  02 - 0948 - 0002000 - 000

    Enter these details when setting up bank payments:

    • Particulars: Name of payer
    • Code: Property address
    • Reference: Building Consent (BC) number, e.g. BC180001

    If you are paying from overseas, please use BKNZNZ22 as your swift code.

    Payments referenced incorrectly may cause a delay in processing if we cannot identify your payment.

    Manual Payment

    Manual Payment (at reception) can only be accepted after you have lodged your application and received an acknowledgement email with your unique application number.
