The Crown Range Road is closed and snow is affecting roads around Queenstown.  Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates

Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Plan Variation

This Variation would introduce a new Special Purposes Zone, Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Zone, to the PDP. QLDC is also proposing amendments to PDP Chapter 3 Strategic Directions, 4 Urban Development, 25 Earthworks, 27 Subdivision and Development, 29 Transport, 31 Signs and 36 Noise. These changes are necessary to implement the Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Masterplan adopted by Council on 30 June 2022 and to make Ladies Mile one of the most liveable areas in Queenstown.

Final Report and Recommendations

Draft Recommendation Report

Comments received on Draft Recommendation Report

Process for Comments on Draft Recommendation Report

The process for comments the panel directs that:

All comments are to provide clear guidance, using the Table in Appendix 9 (linked below), as to the minor or technical (including legal) matter in issue, the reasons for / nature of the issue, the change sought to address the issue (including drafting if related to a provision).

Submitters are to provide comments (as described above) to the Hearing Administrator, Lynley Scott, at the email, by 1pm Wednesday 27 March 2024.

Hearing of Submissions


The Hearing Panel have issued a Minute outlining the general hearing process and management directions.

You can see this minute and all hearing information and documents on the Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile hearing page

Further Submissions Received

Make a further submission

When a person or group makes a submission or further submission on a District Plan or Plan Change this is public information.

Please note that by making a submission your personal details, including your name and addresses will be made publicly available under the Resource Management Act 1991. This is because, under the Act, any further submission supporting or opposing your submission must be forwarded to you as well as to QLDC.

There are limited circumstances when your submission or your contact details can be kept confidential. If you consider you have compelling reasons why your submission or your contact details should be kept confidential please contact the Senior District Plan Administrator on 03 441 0499 to discuss.

Streamlined planning process gazettal

Ministerial direction for the use of the Streamlined Planning Process dated 30 March 2023 can be viewed online at

SPP application

Make a submission

When a person or group makes a submission or further submission on a District Plan or Plan Change this is public information.

Please note that by making a submission your personal details, including your name and addresses will be made publicly available under the Resource Management Act 1991. This is because, under the Act, any further submission supporting or opposing your submission must be forwarded to you as well as to QLDC.

There are limited circumstances when your submission or your contact details can be kept confidential. If you consider you have compelling reasons why your submission or your contact details should be kept confidential please contact the Senior District Plan Administrator on 03 441 0499 to discuss.

Submissions closed 9 June 2023.

Want to talk about it?

If you have any queries on any of the information provided, how to make a submission or need help finding a particular document, please contact one of our dedicated duty policy planners on 03 441 0499 (Queenstown) or 03 443 0024 (Wānaka) or email us at