Register to speak at Public Forum

Kia rēhita kia kōrero ki tētahi wānanga tūmatanui

Please note, anyone who wishes to speak in the public forum is required to register with the governance team at least 3 hours before the meeting starts if the meeting falls in the morning or 2 hours before the meeting starts if the meeting falls in the afternoon.

Public Forum Registration Form:

Public Forum Registration Form

Please leave blank if speaking in an individual capacity.

Tips for participating in meetings online

Before you join a Council meeting online via ZOOM, we recommend checking out these tips and tricks to help ensure your device and microphone is working and you’re ready to go.

For the purposes of this guide “Council” refers to any public meeting of Queenstown Lakes District Council, any of its committees or subcommittees, and the Wānaka-Upper Clutha Community Board.

  • If you’ve registered to speak at a Council meeting, our Governance team will contact you in advance with a link to the Zoom call. In the invite you will also find a Passcode and Meeting ID.

    • Click on the link in the email sent by our Governance team. It will look like this:

    • Once you’ve clicked on the link, you should be taken straight to the meeting. Depending on the device you’re using, you may be asked for the Meeting ID or Passode – this can be also be found in the same email. Here’s an example:

    • If you are dialing into the Zoom call via a landline or cell phone, the number and meeting ID can be found in the email too. Like this below:

    Please note that if you are greeted with a blank screen when joining the call, this means you are sitting in a waiting room. Alternatively you may have a notice come up informing you that the host will let you in - just wait until the host does in fact let you in.

    If you’re online we’ll communicate with you using the chat function and you will be given access to the meeting  once it is your turn to speak.  We won’t be able to do this for those joining via a landline.  

    In the meantime, you will be able to follow the progress of the meeting via the Livestream on our Facebook page and/or YouTube channel (dependent on the meeting).

    If you are facing further issues with joining the call, please follow the instructions found on the official Zoom forums.

  • Your device may not automatically assign the correct microphone when you join a Zoom call. This could be because you’re joining a call for the first time, or you have recently plugged in a new pair of headphones.

    • Click on the arrow highlighted below (next to ‘unmute’).

    • Ensure that your microphone selected is the correct device you plugged in. You can test this by selecting the 'test speaker and microphone' option highlighted below: 

    Please note that you can also access your audio and video settings on the home screen of Zoom before entering a call if you have a registered account with Zoom. If your microphone is still not working, you can find indepth tutorials via the official Zoom forums.

    • Click on the arrow highlighted below (next to ‘stop video’).

    • Ensure that the correct video device has been selected. You can test your video via the ‘video settings’ option that is also pictured below.

    Please note that you can also access your audio and video settings on the home screen of Zoom before entering a call if you have a registered account with Zoom. If your video is still not working, you can find indepth tutorials via the official Zoom forums.

    It is not a requirement to have a video camera when joining Council meetings, but it is encouraged.

  • The chat function is available to communicate with our team if you are facing technical difficulties or you are in the waiting room. This function is not used to communicate with elected members directly.

    • Click on the ‘chat’ option at the bottom of your screen:

    • You will then be able to select the drop down next to 'To:' and then select "QLDC Governance" to send your message to our team.


If these tips don’t help fix the issue you’re facing, we ask that you please visit the official Zoom website for further support. Alternatively there is an option to dial into the meeting via your mobile phone or landline – you can find these instructions via the 'how to join the meeting' drop-down.