All residents are being asked to conserve water to avoid restrictions. Minimise sprinkler use & irrigation. Click for more tips on our water conservation page.

Alcohol licence fee calculator

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We calculate the fee payable based on the information you provide on the registration application form, not the information entered into this calculator. No information that you provide while using the calculator is recorded, saved or otherwise used by Queenstown Lakes District Council.

Calculate your licence fees

To calculate your alcohol licence fees, please click below.

Fees overview

On-licences, off-licences and club licences incur two main fees - application fees and annual fees.

The application fee is payable whenever an application is lodged: for a new licence, to renew a licence, or to vary the conditions of an existing licence. An application to renew and vary a licence is only charged one application fee.

Annual fees are paid in advance, for the following 12 months. The initial annual fees take effect from the day the licence is issued, and thereafter are due each year on the anniversary of the licence.

In addition to both of the above, a supplementary compliance certificate fee of $275 is payable for all new licence and variation applications. This is to cover the additional costs incurred of having the application checked by the QLDC Building and Planning teams, to ensure the application meets requirements of the Natural and Built Environment Act 2023 and of the building code (s.100(f)).