QLDC's Full Council Meeting held on 24 October will not be livestreamed due to technical limitations associated with the venue. The meeting will instead be recorded and posted online after the event.

Decisions of Council

The Decisions of Council phase of the District Plan review is when we make a decision on the proposed plan, plan change or variation based on the recommendations provided by the hearing panel and from the submissions provided by the community.

On this page you will find the reports from the Independent Hearing Panel as well as information relating to the chapters which have been ratified by Full Council following the hearings phase.

Decision on Priority Area Landscape Schedules Variation to the Proposed District Plan

This proposal is a variation to Chapter 21 Rural Zone of the Proposed District Plan, to introduce landscape schedules 21.22 and 21.23. These schedules set out the landscape values for twenty-nine Priority Area landscapes across the Whakatipu Basin and Upper Clutha.

The District’s landscapes are of significant value to the people who live in, work in or visit the District. The Proposed District Plan sets out a policy framework that seeks to protect, enhance or maintain these landscapes. The proposed landscape schedules seek to make clearer what aspects of these landscapes are to be protected, maintained or enhanced.

Public notices

Independent Hearing Panel reports

Decisions of Council chapters

The following chapters show the decisions ratified by Full Council after the submission and hearings process. They show the provisions at a set point in time (please note the date on the chapter).

To view the most up to date version of the Proposed District Plan, please view the chapters here.


Decisions of Council maps

Designation information of Requiring Authorities