QLDC's Full Council Meeting held on 24 October will not be livestreamed due to technical limitations associated with the venue. The meeting will instead be recorded and posted online after the event.

Make a Complaint

Tuku Kōamuamu

We take all complaints very seriously.

Council defines a complaint as: A formal expression of dissatisfaction with QLDC that has not been resolved at the first point of contact.  This could relate to our services, facilities, staff or contractors.

Our Customer Complaint Policy can be found below

QLDC Customer Complaint Policy

Please use the Contact Us / Fix It page if you are reporting general problems that need to be attended to by the Council or one of our contractors.

Complaints give valuable feedback and an opportunity to do things better. In general:

  • Complaints and the details of the complainant will be treated in confidence unless the Council is required by law to release the information.

  • We will not deal with anonymous complaints.

  • Complaints about regulatory matters will only be treated as a complaint if the matter relates to staff behaviour.

  • In the case of complaints about staff members, staff will be entitled to give their own account of matters before any resolution can be reached.

  • The Chief Executive views all complaints.

  • Where appropriate please try and specify the date, time and location relating to your complaint.