QLDC's Full Council Meeting held on 24 October will not be livestreamed due to technical limitations associated with the venue. The meeting will instead be recorded and posted online after the event.

Glenorchy Aerodrome

The Glenorchy Aerodrome Reserve (The Aerodrome) is situated just south of the township of Glenorchy on the banks of Lake Whakatipu. All you need to know about the Glenorchy Aerodrome can be found within the page below.

Glenorchy Airstrip Reserve Management Plan 2016 Review

We are now reviewing the Glenorchy Airstrip Reserve Management Plan 2016, a document prepared under the Reserves Act 1977 that outlines how QLDC will manage the airstrip for users and the Glenorchy community. The purpose of this plan is to maintain the aerodrome to an appropriate standard for emergency and low intensity community, recreational and commercial tourism aviation activities.

To help inform any future changes to this plan, we gathered insights and suggestions ruing August-September 2023 from airstrip users and the wider community on how the Glenorchy Airstrip facility should continue to operate and be managed.

There will be further opportunities to get involved in 2024 through formal submissions, when we notify the draft Reserve Management Plan for public consultation. 

You can stay up-to-date on this process over on the dedicated Let's Talk page. 

About Glenorchy Aerodrome

The Glenorchy Aerodrome Reserve (The Aerodrome) is situated just south of the township of Glenorchy on the banks of Lake Whakatipu. The airstrip is utilised by small private and commercial fixed wing aircraft and helicopter operations. It's also a base for skydive activities.

A newly formed vehicular access road from Glenorchy-Queenstown Road was opened in 2019 to provide a safe access route to the airstrip.

There are no Council maintained facilities at the airstrip currently.

Landing Fees

Item/s Cost
Per Landing $18 excl. GST
  • This document outlines those procedures and rules governing day-to-day operations at Glenorchy Aerodrome with respect to the responsible management of noise generated by the airstrip's activities. Included are such operational restrictions considered necessary to minimise the impact of noise on the airstrip's neighbours and the Glenorchy community.

    Noise Management Plan

    The rules and procedures contained in this document are intended to keep aircraft flight paths from noise sensitive areas in the vicinity of the airstrip, consistent with CAA Rules and flight safety, and to comply with the Glenorchy Aerodrome Designation (#239) in the QLDC Proposed District Plan.

    3.9 Fixed Wing Noise Abatement Procedures

    The following procedures must be adhered to unless the pilot in command considers it unsafe to do so:

    a)         Circuit directions as depicted in the AIP must be adhered to.

    b)         Avoid flying over Glenorchy township where possible.

    c)         Circling to the east of the airstrip is only permitted as part of a standard overhead rejoin procedure.

    d)         Departing aircraft must reduce to climb power as soon as safely practicable after take-off.

    e)         Aircraft departing to the north or east should:

    i.          From runway 14 turn right and depart downwind remaining to the west of Glenorchy.

    ii.         From runway 32 turn left after takeoff after passing abeam Blanket Bay and before reaching Glenorchy township, and climb to the west of Glenorchy township.

    f)          Aircraft departing to the south or west should:

    i.          From runway 14 depart straight ahead or turn right and depart cross-wind.

    ii.         From runway 32 turn left after take-off after passing abeam Blanket Bay and before reaching Glenorchy township, and depart downwind or cross-wind.

    g)         Aircraft arriving from the north or east that are not joining overhead should:

    i.          For runway 14 keep joint straight in keeping east of Glenorchy township.

    ii.         For runway 32 position to join downwind, avoiding overflight of Glenorchy township.

    h)        Aircraft arriving from the south or west that are not joining overhead should:

    i.          For runway 14 join down wind or right base, keeping south of Glenorchy township.

    ii.         For runway 32 join straight in or left base.


    3.10 Helicopter Noise Abatement Procedures

    The following procedures must be adhered to unless the pilot in command considers it unsafe to do so:

    a)         Helicopters should follow fixed wing circuit patterns as depicted in the AIP, with the exception that helicopters departing to land at Wyuna Preserve or Blanket Bay may fly direct.

    b)         Unless landing there, avoid flying over Glenorchy township, Blanket Bay and Wyuna preserve.


    3.10 Noise Sensitive Areas

    a)         The noise sensitive areas of Glenorchy Township, Blanket Bay and Wyuna Preserve are shown below.

  • You cannot fly a drone (or film using a drone) within the Glenorchy Airstrip property or within a 4 kilometre radius of the Glenorchy Airport without authorisation from Airways Air Traffic Control.

    We are not giving approvals for remote controlled aircraft (including drones) to fly over our parks, reserves and roads at present, unless it is for a Commercial Film permit and the operator is certificated under Rule 102 of the Civil Aviation Act.

    More resources:

    New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority rules for drone flying are available both on the Airshare website airshare.co.nz and CAA’s own website:


  • Complaints regarding noise generated from Glenorchy Aerodrome or airstrip activities shall be directed to the Aerodrome Manager. 

    The Glenorchy Aerodrome Manager does not accept responsibility for investigating any noise complaint related to the conduct of flight or the actions of any Pilot in Command or aircraft operator occurring outside a rectangular area of airspace measuring 9km north-south by 7km east-west centered on the runway. 

    This area broadly covers the Glenorchy Aerodrome circuit area and includes Glenorchy township, Blanket Bay Resort and Wyuna Preserve.

    You can make a complaint by emailing: glenorchyairstrip@qldc.govt.nz 


Glenorchy Airstrip Consultative Governance Committee

This committee was established in 2018. The objective of the committee is to advise the QLDC on management and maintenance matters and potential future development of the Glenorchy Airstrip Reserve in accordance with the operative Glenorchy Airstrip Reserve Management Plan and the conditions for the designation for the Glenorchy Aerodrome provided in the Queenstown Lakes Proposed District Plan, in a timely and efficient manner. The Committee will strive to achieve a consensus in all matters that it considers.

Committee Members

Councillor Niki Gladding

Elected member who is appointed to the Glenorchy Community

Christina Lister

Glenorchy Community Association Representative

Juliet Breen

Safety Standards and Compliance Officer at Queenstown Airport Corporation (QAC)

Josh Greer

Wyuna Preserve Residents Association

Tom Butler

Blanket Bay Lodge

Jeanie Galavazi

Senior Parks & Reserves Planner, Queenstown Lakes District Council

James Stokes

Commcercial Operator and Queenstown Milford User Group

Nick Nicholson

Commercial Operator


GACGC Meeting Minutes