
The appeals phase of the District Plan review comes after Council has notified its decisions on submissions. Submitters can appeal these decisions to the Environment Court who will hear the case again.

Proposal under Section 293

Annotated appeals

In the drop-down below, you can view the chapters of the Proposed District Plan which have been annotated to show which provisions have been appealed. The appeals are listed at the start of each chapter and highlighted in red within the text of the chapter. Please note that these documents will be updated as appeals are resolved and as more is known about possible consequential changes.

The information provided reflects Council officers’ interpretation of the appeals received, which may differ from the appellants intent. For the reasons above, the Council does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of the annotations.

Please refer to the appeal documents (Stage One and Stage Two) for full details of the appeals and relief sought and if necessary seek clarification from the appellants