All residents are being asked to conserve water to avoid restrictions. Minimise sprinkler use & irrigation. Click for more tips on our water conservation page.

Privacy & official info requests

Noho matatapu me kā tono pāroko āpihi

The Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) provides for people to request official information held by local government agencies. Any person can make a request for information held by the Council.

When a local government agency holds personal information about an individual (that can be readily retrieved), the individual concerned is entitled to have access to that information. The Privacy Act 1993 governs requests for personal information.

Requesting information from us

Information relating to QLDC can mostly be found on this website. You can use the search function to find your topic of interest or alternatively you can contact us.

If you require information relating to a specific property – you can search eDocs.

  • If you can't find the information on this website or from our staff, there are two types of information requests you can make.

  • You can make a LGOIMA request for any information that we hold, such as:

    • Policies and procedures
    • Decisions, our rational for decisions, or our decision-making process
    • Drawings, images or maps
    • Files / records.

    If you are not satisfied with our response you can contact the Office of the Ombudsman.

  • You can make a privacy request for access to, or correction of, information that we hold about you.

    If you are not happy with the outcome of your request, you can contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.

  • Standard requests

    We will provide you with a decision about your request within 20 working days. We will acknowledge your request as soon as possible, and let you know when you can expect to receive our decision.

    If we decide to grant your request, the information will be provided to you thereafter without undue delay.

    We will let you know as soon as we can if:

    • We cannot meet the deadline and need to extend the timeframe to reach a decision on your request
    • We need more information, or need you to clarify, refine, or amend the scope of your request
    • The information is held by another government organisation and we need to transfer your request to them.

    Urgent requests

    You can ask us to treat your request as urgent. If you do, you need to provide a reason.  One of our team will let you know how quickly a response could be collated.

  • We may withhold or decline to give information for reasons specified in section 6, section 7 or section 17 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

    If we withhold or refuse to give information, we will explain the reason why.

    For information about withholding personal information, see sections 27 to 29 of the Privacy Act 1993.

  • Sometimes we may need to charge you for an official information request. If we decide to charge, we will tell you the cost of your request before processing it. You can then decide to proceed, withdraw or refine your request.

    We tend to charge when:

    • Answering your request requires substantial collation or research, or
    • Costs are incurred pursuant to a request response being needed urgently.

    We might ask for some or all of the cost to be paid in advance. Our charging guidelines are detailed below.

  • The Government has issued Charging Guidelines that are deemed “reasonable” by the Office of the Ombudsman. The guidelines specify standard charges of:

    • $38 per half hour of staff time in excess of one hour; and
    • $0.20 per page for photocopying in excess of 20 pages.

    Ministry of Justice guidance can be accessed here.

    Office of the Ombudsman guidance can be accessed here.

  • We do not charge for privacy requests.

    Note: We invite you to contact us at any time if you have questions regarding an official information request you have made or about the process in general.


Make an official information request

Ideally, a request for information should be made in writing. However, if you are unable to do so, you can make your request over the phone or in-person at a QLDC office. Please ensure your request includes your name, preferred contact details and specific details of the information you want.

We encourage you to use the online form (below) when making a request. However, we do accept requests via the following:

  • By phone

  • By email

  • In-person: See our Contact Us page for office locations.

  • By post:

Governance and Official Information
Queenstown Lakes District Council
Private Bag 50072
Queenstown 9348

Completing your official information request online

Enter your personal details and the details of your request below.

Official information request form

Online Official Information Request Form

Preferred method of contact

Our published responses to information requests

Find our published responses here.