• The Queenstown Lakes District Council has the important job of making decisions alongside and on behalf of the people living in this district. Specifically, we are responsible for:

    • Community well-being and development.

    • Environmental health and safety. (building control, civil defence, and environmental health)

    • Managing infrastructure. (roading and transport, sewerage, water and stormwater)

    • Facilitating recreation and culture.

    • Resource management including land use planning and development control.

    The Council consists of the Mayor, four Queenstown-Whakatipu ward Councillors, three  Arrowtown-Kawarau ward Councillors, and four Wānaka-Upper Clutha ward Councillors.

  • The Wānaka-Upper Clutha Community Board is not a committee of Council but a separate unincorporated body established under Section 49 of the Local Government Act 2002. The role of the Wānaka-Upper Clutha Community Board is to represent and act as an advocate for the Wānaka and wider Upper Clutha community. The Council has given extensive delegation to the Wānaka-Upper Clutha Community Board to make decisions on many of the facilities and services located within the Wānaka-Upper Clutha Ward.

    Community Board elected members are: Linda Joll, Chris Hadfield, Simon Telfer and John Wellington.

    Community Board appointed members are: Barry Bruce, Lyal Cocks, Cody Tucker

    The Chair of the Wānaka-Upper Clutha Community Board is Simon Telfer

    The Deputy Chair is Chris Hadfield

    Meeting Schedule 

    The 'Share with Us' sessions will occur every eight weeks, being held at the Paetara Aspiring Central regularly from 12.00-1.30pm on 4 September and 6 November.

    These events offer an invaluable opportunity for direct communication with elected members.

    Tea and coffee supplied, anyone is welcome to come along for a chat. 

  • The objective of the Planning & Strategy Committee is to recommend strategies, plans and policies that advance the Council’s vision and goals for the district and ensure integrated and sustainable management of the natural and physical resources of the district in accordance with the Resource Management Act 1991.

    Committee Members are:

    • Councillor Cocks (Chair)

    • Councillor Smith (Deputy)

    • Councillor Bartlett

    • Councillor Bruce

    • Councillor White

    • Councillor Wong

  • The objective of the Infrastructure Committee is to review strategy and policy for the Council’s infrastructure.

    Committee Members are:

    • Councillor Bartlett (Chair)

    • Councillor Gladding (Deputy)

    • Councillor Cocks

    • Councillor Ferguson

    • Councillor Smith

    • Councillor Tucker

  • The objective of the Community & Services Committee is to review strategy and policy essential to the development of resilient, successful, healthy and safe communities.

    Committee Members are:

    • Councillor Ferguson (Chair)

    • Councillor Whitehead (Deputy)

    • Councillor Bruce

    • Councillor Guy

    • Councillor Tucker

    • Councillor Wong

  • The objectives of the Audit, Finance & Risk Committee are to assist the Council to discharge its responsibilities for:

    • the robustness of the internal control framework and financial management practices;

    • the integrity and appropriateness of internal and external reporting and accountability arrangements;

    • the robustness of risk management systems, processes and practices;

    • compliance with applicable laws, regulations, standards and best practice guidelines; and

    • the establishment and maintenance of controls to safeguard the Council's financial and nonfinancial assets.

    Committee members are:

    • Mr Stuart McLauchlan (Chair)

    • Mr Heath Copland (Deputy Chair)

    • Mr Bill Moran

    • Councillor Cocks

    • Councillor Gladding

    • Councillor Guy

  • The objectives of the Chief Executive Performance Committee are to monitor, review and report back to Council on the Chief Executive's Performance Objectives and Performance Review.

    Committee Members are:

    • Mayor Lewers

    • Councillor Cocks

    • Councillor Guy

  • The objectives of the Governance Subcommittee are to provide prompt authoritative recommendations on the recruitment and selection of directors to Council controlled organisations and Council controlled trading organisations.

    Committee Members are:

    • Mayor Lewers

    • Councillor Smith

    • Chief Executive Mike Theelen

  • The District Licensing Committee will consider and determine all applications (opposed and unopposed) for new and renewal licences and manager’s certificates, temporary authorities and special licences under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.

    Committee Members are: Lyal Cocks, Christopher Cooney, Ian Cooney, Neil Gillespie, John Mann, Brett Pay and Nicola Vryenhoek.


Speaking During Meetings

The public is welcome to attend all publicly-notified QLDC Council, Community Board, and Committee meetings. All Council meetings follow rules known as Standing Orders which allow for you to speak during a section of the meeting called public forum. Public forum happens at the start of every meeting and is part of the formal agenda.

You may not speak on a topic where you have taken part in a statutory process for engaging in submissions and evidence. This means that if you have participated in a defined submission and hearings process (such as District Plan changes) that involves Council or a third-party decisionmaker, you may not discuss your submission in public forum.

Anyone who wishes to speak in the public forum is required to register with the governance team at least 3 hours before the meeting starts. You can do this either by telephoning 03 441 0499 (Queenstown); 03 443 0024 (Wānaka) or by filling out a registration form. You will be asked to provide your full name and the subject of your presentation.

Once the public forum has commenced, the Chair will invite individual speakers to the table and you will be asked to sit where you can easily speak into the microphone. Please note that under the Standing Orders, the Chair has the discretion to decline to hear any speaker, whether they have registered to speak or not.

For further information on public forum, please refer to section 14 of the Queenstown Lakes District Council Standing Orders.

Please note, public meetings of Council, its committees, and the Wānaka -Upper Clutha Community Board are live streamed via the QLDC Facebook page and/or recorded and published on the QLDC website.


Meeting dates, times and venues are subject to change. All of the above meetings are open to the public. Some meetings may have items of business that will be discussed with the public excluded, as set out by the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.